Withdrawl Symptoms
Sudden decrease in dose or stopping of smack, opium, heroin, Methadone, dode, capsules, injections, cough syrups, produce the following withdrawal symptoms :-
Severe body aches with muscular cramps.
Profuse diarrhea
Watering from nose and eyes.
Repeated yawning and sneezing.
Loss of appetite.
Lack of sleep.
Feeling of cold and goose flesh.
Marked restlessness and anxiety.
Jerky movements of the body.
Disorientation and slurring of speech.
Goose pimples.
Sudden stopping or decrease in dose of alcohol enleads to following withdrawal symptoms :
Marked anxiety with palpitations and increased sweating.
Lack of appetite and vomiting.
Lack of sleep.
Tremors of the body.
Irrelevant talk and violence at times.
Disorientation in time, place and person.
Withdrawal seizures